Who are these people!!?

The Backstory for Wandering Ones:

In the year 2035, a human specific man-made super-virus is loosed upon the world, killing off at least 80% of the world’s population. However, the virus doesn’t kill everyone.

It was launched by the Mavonites, followers of an incredibly charismatic leader, Xavier Mavon. Mavon was one of the richest men ever to walk the Earth, and he decided that Man was meant to colonize and explore the stars. This would have been great except that he made that dream into a very excluxive/conservative religion and if you weren't willing to give him total fealty, you had no worth to him.

In 2027, his Mavtech corp. had come up (among other things) with an amazing technology for folding spacial distances.

Mavon had his dream in front of him.

I won't bore you with how he convinced his millions of followers onto colony ships and into cryofreeze units, I'll only tell you that the plan to launch the super-virus was known only to Mavon and a few of his high and mighty. When the plaque was launched, the Mavonites exited spacial fold left. If they didn't find any habitable worlds, they could recolonize a deserted Earth. The virus had a limited life span nd no ability to mutate.

It also wasn't as effective as advertised.

80% of the Earth's population perished. The next several years were chaos as people adjusted to the new state of things.

No rules for many meant no conscience. Others began the process of rebuilding human civilization in the form of what ever government they feel the most affinity for.

Our story starts in 2066 a.d., in what is now the Pacific Northwest.
The home of the Clan of the Hawk (the Wandering Ones) is an enclave in the Cascade mountain range of North Central Washington state.

To the south is the Yakama Nation, an amalgam of surviving members of many of the local Native American tribes (and adoptees).

On the West is the Western Alliance, one of the few places technology still moves forward. Strangely, they are allies with the Yakamas and the "primitive" living Clan of the Hawk.

The last major players in the story are the people of the Empire
(aka the Reich), a conqueror’s group who control a large portion of Washington, Idaho, and Montana (as well as parts of Canada).
They have seen the technology and resources of the West and they want it.

Ravenwing, the main character, is cast in the role of teacher and unifier. She must teach the new students from the west and help to hold the fragile union of Clan, Yakamas and Western Alliance together.


Leader of the Scouts for the Southeast arm of the Clan of The hawk
As well as seeing to the intelligence gathering for the Hawks,




Ravenwing’s oldest apprentice has a strange affinity with the local wolf pack.

At 18, he is almost ready to take his trials to become a full-fledged scout/tracker.


The second oldest apprentice at 16 years, Flame often lives up to her name.

Though a skilled tracker. Flame still, at times, lets her temper run away with her. Unbeknownst to her teacher, Flame has more than a passing acquaintance with the manitou.

Ravenwing is sure that with a few more years of experience This young firebrand will make an excellent scout.


The youngest of the apprentices, 14 year old Laughing Otter still has a lot to learn.
Still, when contrasted with the Western alliance students, his knowledge seems quite impressive.

Otter likes that.

Bobbie Blackburn:
(Not Billie) is actually the leader of the three recruit students. She just hasn’t told Ravenwing about her higher rank,...

Or her hidden agenda.
Damon Chisolm:

Body builder Damon was hand-picked for his athletic ability by the Western Alliance Defense force.

If only they could have hand picked something other than his bristly personality...

He makes Max’s life difficult.

Jack Crow:

The son of an intense martial artist father who has to survive the crazy times, Jack has been learning the martial arts since he was a small child.

Strangely, after all
that he still seems quite easy going.

Max Thorsen:

Formerly a soldier with the Empire (aka the Reich). Max was drafted by the neo-Nazi empire when he was 16. None of the draftees are treated very well, and when the time comes to desert and go with Ravenwing, Max jumps at the chance.

He doesn’t quite know what to make of people treating him decently, he just knows he likes it.

Jannelle Longwalker:
Ravenwing's teacher Janelle, being among the deceased, only makes occasional visits to warn Ravenwing of trouble.

One of the Founders of the Clan of the Hawk, she along with a few of her contemporaries, was responsible for passing the scout ways to her students so the knowledge wouldn't be lost.
Gray Dog
One of the original Clan scouts, Gray Dog is a wily scout and tracker who has forgotten more than most will ever learn about nature and the scout ways.

He is the Master Scout of the Southern arm of the Clan territories.
Sheda Cougarwoman

Sheda has just reached Master Scout status, and is the right hand aid of Gray Dog.

She and Ravenwing have a history, which makes it hard for them to work together sometimes.

Sheda also has the unpleasant duty to track down the artist whenever he escapes and goes walkabout.

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