of the day: (Updated on March 27,
"..who journeyed long, singing a song... Another thing I'm working on is a Keenspot Premium-only strip called Shin Kage. I still need to do some relettering and (hopefully) coloring and then convince the powers that be here at Keenspot to help me set up the site. A sample page from the second chapter is below though if I color it, I think I'll use watercolor instead. (see below) Hitting a quiet spot in the main Wandering Ones story, I'm taking the week off to work on a 3 page Wandering Ones print comic story for the Keenspot Giveaway comic. As you might know, we're producing a special giveaway comic book for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY , a massive comic book giveaway event scheduled for May 4 (the day after SPIDER-MAN opens in theaters). We're one of eight publishers producing special books for the event. Ours is called KEENSPOT SPOTLIGHT 2002. (You'll probably be able to order it on Keenspot) Problem is, I have two stories bouncing around the empty garbage can of my head and can't decide which one to draw! So, this week is officially a SKETCHBOOK WEEK. I'm going to try and put some interesting stuff up from my sketchbooks (avoiding the nudity, that'll be the tough part. Hey! Artists draw naked people.) If you haven't noticed, I built a CAST page finally to help out new visitors know (roughly) who's who. There's also just a bit of backstory that you may not have read before. Your feedback in the forum or even by e-mail would be appreciated. is it helpful? Suggestions? I also have some rough pencils up in the Wandering Ones gallery for a PROPOSED Wandering Ones Graphic Novel (Print comic) if you'd like to look and comment, I wouldn't mind hearing from you on that either. Heck, any suggestions you want to drop by regarding the story or the site (except I can't bring back the weekly archive, which I DO aplogize for). We'll take up where we left off with Damon on next Monday if all goes according to plan. Cheery bye! -Clint (Look below for the sketches) ![]()
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