of the day: (Updated on May 3,
I rarely ask for much in the way of support for Wandering Ones, but I do like to support my online friends. Here are three small publishers whose books I have read or am reading, and if you like Wandering Ones, I really think that you should check out the excellent stories being told by these three authors. Very very interesting, and all three have FREE downloadable previews. However, to get the full meal deal, you could order some stuff, cause most intelligent people don't give away the store like I do here. Please check these out, and if you like what you see, maybe you could order somethin'. I'd appreciate it and so would they. Raven's Children ©
2002 by Layla Lawlor. From the website description: "The people that history forgot... The Dog People are no more than a footnote in the history of their small, five-mooned world. They live on the fringes of the expanding Tolshay Kahn empire, in a windswept wilderness of mountains and ice, where they make war on each other and periodically raid their neighbors, the Wagaibe. The Wagaibe possess a land rich in mineral resources (especially iron, which is rare on their world). They were recently annexed by the Tolshay Kahn without bloodshed. But the Wagaibe, who have never had a central government, are not too keen on the idea of paying taxes or bowing before an emperor of a foreign land."
Lots of deep and intense characters! Arrowflight © 2002 by Monique MacNaughton From the website description: ..."the stakes are raised when the Ayran
Covenant prepares to unveil a terrifying new psychoenergetic weapon against
which there is no known defense. Two score and sixteen years before this crisis, a small, secretive and ancient society infiltrated Avro Canada and its material suppliers and funneled metals of high Kirlian energy content into the Arrow project. The intrinsic "life-force" of this metal, when combined with the psychic investment of designers and factory workers, created within each of the aircraft a "soul" that when initialized in the proper manner and in just the right geographical location, would leave it no longer an artifact but a fully sapient, autonymous and powerful entity." Believe me, this is a cool comic!
and lastly... Wandering Star by Teri S. Wood Several issues availble in PDF, preorder the CD for the whole story. "Wood's art displays a consistently warm, organic line and her writing
brings to life two fully-realized characters, Casi and Narz, who exist at
opposite ends of the moral spectrum. She is working in comics rather than
straight prose, but with Wandering Star Ms. Wood has created a Young Adult
space opera that compares favorably to the YA output of Robert Heinlein or
Andre Norton". - Bruce Canwell I have the original first trade of this, and it is excellent! Thanks! -Clint
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