of the day: (Updated on August 11,
2008). I
was sittinÕ there, wonderinÕ if we was gonna have ta fight our way out of
there... ..when I got some anwers in an.. unorthodox, shall we say,... metaphysical
fashion. DonÕt mean to freak ya out, Max. Heck no! As long as I been with
the Clan of the Hawk, all I seen is weird... Oof! Ow! Heh. Anyways, I was
waitinÕ there, tryinÕ to see any trace of pursuers... ..I donÕt mind tellinÕ
ya, I was young and scared. Tommy wasnÕt gonna be a lot of help... I'd given
him some pain- killers, and between his injuries and the hike... ..He was
pretty much done for the day. You get pretty jumpy in a situation lIke that,
and I had that feeling that I was being watched... and i was.
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