Elder, Strider told me that when you met with Saker, he said that you were... hunted by your government. he said that they had an ÒExtreme Sanction TagÓ out for you... They wanted to kill you? Hrrm. yeah. Tommy was mustered out cause oÕ his injury. I was supposed to be soon after him, as my hitch was up. Unfortunately, I was Òstop lossed.Ó The GovernmentÕs way oÕ tellin ya that... They werenÕt done with you. I was Òre-enlistedÓ and found out I was in demand. A group of intelligence agents needed someone to help them get to where they needed to go on their missions, covertly. In other words, they needed a scout. Kids, I am not proud to tell you that i spent the next 3 years playing tour guide to a bunch of spook assassins. I got them in, they made their kill. I got them out Officially, I was M.I.A. None of us existed.
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